Is Skateboarding A Crime

Is Skateboarding A Crime Or Not? Find Out Here

Is skateboarding a crime or not? That is the question that many people are debating.

Some people confuse, is it legal because it’s just a way to have fun and get exercise? Or, is it illegal because it can be dangerous for pedestrians?

In this article, we will discuss the topic in-depth and offer up some thoughts on whether skateboarding should be considered a crime or not.

So, are you ready?

Is Skateboarding A Crime?

As we know, crime is an unlawful act that will result in punishment by the government.

As per my research, no law books have considered skateboarding as a crime. If we observed in our society, we can see there are many skateboarders around us and I am sure it’s not a crime to purchase a skateboard or own one.

Skateboards are available in substantial market places like Walmart, Amazon, and even local shops. We may notice it everywhere in the USA.

There are many skateboarding committees as well. It’s legal to associate with skateboarders. Observing the accessibility, does skateboarding even seem like a crime?

Now you might wonder, why do skateboarders face unpleasant encounters with cops or security guards?

Why are there posters saying “skateboarding is prohibited”?

Why does skateboarding in some streets even cause fine? 

Well, frankly speaking, skating is not illegal, but several activities may drag you to unpleasant consequences.

Let’s check those points in detail.


Trespassing means entering private land without permission. It is a big deal for landowners if you enter his land without his consent. He can even file a report against you for violating his privacy.

Well, he has the right to do that. Trespassing will result in fines and punishments as per the degree of the offense.

If you are really in love with the terrain of private ground, it would be best to request the owner’s permission for skateboarding. Be respectful with the person, and he might even agree to the request.

However, be careful and don’t damage their property unless you want to be known as vandals.

Violating Restrictions

Different cities have different types of restrictions. A rider can ride in skate parks and perform tricks/stunts as per his wish.

However, he must be aware of the timings of skate parks as well. The park might not be open 24/7 even though the lights are on.

In some states, it is illegal to skate even on sidewalks, let alone streets. Such areas might have exclusive skating/biking lanes. It might be permissible to perform tricks on those platforms.

In short, be conscious of the existing street laws in your city/area before skateboarding.

Disobeying Curfews

Many cities may have curfew by law. In many states, citizens are not allowed to roam at night. You must be aware of curfew times if your area has such restrictions. Well yeah, skating is fun, and a rider might lose track of time naturally.

If you ever face such consequences, respectfully accept your fault and explain the reason. I bet cops will let you go with a warning.

Skating In Prohibited Areas

There are many areas around where we may notice some posters or signs saying –

“No skateboarding allowed.” 

“Skateboarding will cause a fine”

Skating in such areas is equal to disobeying any legal notice. If you have noticed these posters, it’s best to be away from skateboarding in such zones.

We mostly notice such posters outside government houses, universities, malls, or any other commercial spaces. Well yeah, it’s a sad reality that those areas have the most amazing terrains.

Skating is also forbidden outside malls, auditoriums, city halls, and marble-made streets. Most of these spaces are generally crowded. I bet you won’t like skateboarding on a ground where you have to face high traffic.

Again a reminder – never skateboard in a “non-skate zone” unless you want to face legal penalties.


Vandalism refers to public or private property damage. Among the general public, skaters are commonly known as vandals. That’s because skateboarders may cause serious damage to concrete, freshly painted curb, or private space.

Obviously, you are not going to damage obstacles intentionally, but the general public might misunderstand you. They might even report you to the cops.

Is Skateboarding Illegal?

Skateboarding is not really an illegal activity or a crime. However, maintaining traffic rules is a must. In many states in the USA, skateboarding is illegal on highways, bike ways, or even sidewalks. 

As we know, skateboarding can easily damage surfaces over time. Irrespective of trying hard, you might end up damaging the obstacles. If a rider performs tricks & stunts on a painted curb, the pain might wear out eventually. Obviously, no landowners would like to damage their properties. That’s why many public & private zones are restricted for skateboarding.

The roads and highways of commercial spaces are usually crowded. Skateboarding recklessly in those areas might even cause serious injuries and even deaths.

In order to avoid such consequences, laws of certain cities have regarded skateboarding on the road as an illegal activity. 

However, a rider can enjoy skateboarding lawfully in the skateparks or exclusive skateboarding tracks. He must be aware and abide by the rules of the state he is living in.

Where Can You Skateboard Legally?

Legal location for skateboarding is the biggest worry of every skateboarder.

There are many private and public lands and highways which are hostile to skateboarders. In order to find the legal place, it’s best to search up around your location.

I bet there must be exclusive lanes or skate parks for skateboarders where you can skate without worries.

There might be a skateboarding community in your area or state. You can maintain regular contact with them to know about some amazing skateboarding sites.

Is It Illegal To Skate Without A Helmet? 

Safety is the priority when you are out to enjoy skateboarding with your friends or local acquaintances.

As per the law of many states, underage skateboarders must wear helmets and other safety gear while riding.

Skateboarding helmets are a little different from bicycle helmets. Skateboarding helmets have a special ability to handle different impacts. 

According to vehicle code 21212 of California, wearing a helmet is necessary for underage (below 18) skateboarders. The authority passed the helmet law in 2003. So, yeah, by the state’s law, it’s illegal to skateboard without a helmet.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is It Illegal To Skateboard Without Having A License In Florida?

Answer: In the state of Florida, skateboarders are considered pedestrians. Thus they don’t need any driver’s license, legal documents, or even a state ID.

The cops won’t create any issue as long as you don’t create inconvenience for others or skate in a prohibited zone. Obviously, obeying the municipal rules is a must.

Q: Is It Illegal To Skateboard On The Road?

Answer: In most states, skateboarding on roads is not permissible as skateboarders are pedestrians, and the legal place to ride is sidewalks, cycle lanes, or skate parks.

Q: Is It Illegal To Skateboard On The Sidewalk?

Answer: Not in all states, but skateboarding on the sidewalks is illegal in certain ones of the USA. Riders have to use exclusive skate parks and bicycle lanes for skateboarding in those cities.

Q: Is It Illegal To Skate In An Airport?

Answer: Well, it may differ from airport to airport. Many riders have stated that they have passed security guards without facing any legal issues where some had to face penalties. 

To be honest, the airport is not a proper place to skate because it’s crowded. You might end up causing chaos while riding in the airport. That’s why we would suggest avoiding skating in the airport.

If the local airport has banned skateboarding in the area, violating the rule might even cause fines and punishments.

Q: Is It Illegal To Ride On A Skateboard Without A Helmet In California?

Answer: In California, state laws have clearly stated to use helmets while skateboarding, especially for underage riders. So, yeah, not maintaining proper safety gear will be regarded as an illegal activity.

Q: Is It Illegal To Skate Without Wearing A Helmet In Canada?

Answer: According to the laws of Canada, it’s an offensive activity to ride a skateboard or without a helmet.

Q: Is It Illegal To Skateboard In A Mall?

Answer: It’s unlawful to skate in a private property or shopping plaza that forbids skateboarding. Thus even skating in their parking lots and buildings will be illegal. Moreover, in many states, skateboarding Is not permissible in any commercial areas.

Q: Is It Unlawful To Use An Electric Skateboard On The Road?

Answer: Yes, there are many states which restrict e-skateboarding on the road. Actually, you are not permitted to operate it even in footpaths, sidewalks, or bicycle lanes.

According to the law, sidewalks are designed for pedestrians or riders who operate human-propelled vehicles. Thus, riding on a motorized vehicle on a sidewalk or bike walk will cause fines indeed.

Q: Is It Illegal To Skateboard In A Parking Lot?

Answer: If the property owner prohibits skateboarding in the parking lot, skating will obviously be illegal. The landowner can even file a case against you for trespassing.

Q: Can You Skateboard On Asphalt?

Answer: Skateboarding on smooth asphalt is much better than riding on rough surfaces. On the asphalt, the rider will roll for long after each push, and he will achieve a better balance. Thus, the whole experience will be outstanding & smooth.

Q: Can You Skateboard On Public Property Or Public Space?

Answer: Trespassing is illegal and will lead to legal issues. In order to enjoy a safe & legal ride, it’s best to ask for permission from the property owner.

Q: Is It Illegal To Skateboard At A School?

Answer: In many states, skateboarding inside the school campus is totally Impermissible. The laws of California state ‘no wheels’ law inside school grounds as students tend to violate acrobatic laws.

Q: Is It Illegal To Hold Onto A Car While Skateboarding?

Answer: Yes, it’s illegal and dangerous to hold onto a mobile vehicle/car while skateboarding. According to reports, such activity has caused serious accidents and even deaths.

Final Words

Skateboarding is a really fun and exciting sport. Skaters love the feeling of being able to ride on their skateboard, doing tricks or jumps, and just having fun!

And riding this exciting thing is not a crime, but it can be if you don’t know the law and follow the rules and regulations.

There are many misconceptions about skateboarding laws, but I think this article will help clear up all of them for you!

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